Author Archives: Packerland Team
Windmill Aerator
Water is essential to plant and animal life
A windmill aerator can aerate your remote located pond near your food plot where you have no power source. A pond is a great addition to your hunting sight and food plot. Not only will the water source attract wild life, it will also be a supply of water to irrigate your food plot. Pumps are available that will move water across to your planting or to a reserve tank using the air pressure from the aeration windmill.
The windmill will also act as a very precise wind direction and speed indicator giving you another edge for the hunt. The rotation of the wheel assembly is very quiet and smooth operating that deer will get used to and pay no attention to. Another advantage to having a windmill aerating the pond in winter is that it will keep an opening in the ice to offer needed drinking water during winter months if the diffuser is kept close to the shore.
How much water does white-tail deer need to drink daily? The high temperatures during the dry times of mid to late summer are cause to consider the water needs of whitetail deer. Winter can effect water availability also, a windmill aerator will solve that problem by keeping an open area in a pond.
Can they find enough water on your property to keep them in the area? It makes a difference when it comes to deer management and attracting deer. Water requirements can vary with available food sources, climatic conditions and a whitetail’s physiological state. Deer that are lactating or growing, for example, need more water than deer that are not.
White tail deer will make use of various water sources such ponds, creeks, rivers, springs, dew, snow and even vernal pools. Secluded depressions that hold water for any period of time will be used heavily by deer. Secluded water sites allow does with fawns and weary bucks to go about their habits while decreasing their chances of being detected by predators and hunters. Next time you come across one of these water holes, notice the number of deer tracks around them.
White-tail deer use water daily, they can ingest it directly or they can acquire it from their diet, as long as succulent plants are available to them. During The dry season and in areas where water-rich vegetation are scarce, it is estimated that at least one source of permanent water per square mile is needed to ensure use of the available area. Some hunters estimate a home range size of a whitetail deer can range from 400 to 800 acres, so it’s good to have at least one water source per square mile. Lack of water could cause deer to use a well planted food source less frequently when plants are starting to harden off in later dryer seasons.
For more information see:
or call Mike (920) 655-8324
Food Plot Seminar
Annual Golf Outing
Horny Buck Seed Company’s
5th Annual Golf Outing
To benefit The Freedom Outdoor Adventures
Saturday – August 20th, 2016
Red Maple Golf Course
501 Golf Course Road Suring, WI 54174
Four person teams
Open to both men & ladies or combination of both
Entry Fee
$75 per person
Golf (18 holes), Cart, Hole Events and dinner
Raffles to follow golfing event
Guest dinner $15 per person
9:30 am Registration
11 Shot gun start
Rain or Shine
Aim for a Healthy Hunt

25215927 – deer hunters
Aim for a Healthy Hunt
By Amy Romandine Kratz, MD, Prevea Oconto Falls Health Center
Gun Safety
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources reminds of us of four basic tips: treat every firearm as if it is loaded, always point the muzzle in a safe direction, be certain of your target and what is beyond it, and keep your finger outside of the trigger guard until ready to shoot. You should be familiar with the firearm you are using and understand how the safety mechanism works. Leave the safety on until you are ready to fire; that little click you might get when a trophy buck is in front of you is worth preventing your gun from firing accidently.
Tree Stand Safety
Studies show avid hunters have a lifetime risk of 1-in-20 of being injured from falling from a tree stand. Always use a well-fitting, full body harness to prevent falls. Understand the manufacturer’s instructions of the equipment you are using and never alter climbing or safety equipment. Inspect your stand before the hunt starts, as damage from weathering can pose safety hazards. Use a rope or lift to get your unloaded gun or bow into the tree stand and never carry a loaded fire arm as you are ascending into your stand. A free 15 minute tree stand safety course can be found at Always let others know where you are hunting and carry your cell phone or other communication device.
Hearing Protection
The shot of a rifle or shotgun is approximately 140 decibels or greater, which is the equivalent of standing next to a jet engine. Sounds at these levels can cause instant and permanent hearing loss. Making hearing protection a part of your gear, especially when at the shooting range can help prevent hearing loss. Don’t forget hearing protection for those that may be out in the stand with you.
Heart Health
For some hunters, the risk of a heart attack is greater than the risk of any of the things we have already talked about. The combination of epinephrine release when you see the big one, dragging your deer, and being alone in the woods can be a bad situation for an at-risk hunter. Talking to your doctor, knowing the signs of a heart attack, having a hunting buddy, learning CPR, and having a way to call 911 can all make the hunt safer.
A successful hunt takes some preparation. You wouldn’t shoot your gun or bow for the first time all year when you have your sights on the buck of a lifetime, so why wouldn’t you prepare the same way with your health?
Dr. Amy Romandine Kratz is a primary care sports medicine physician at Prevea Oconto Falls Health Center in the Medical Services Building on the campus of HSHS St. Clare Memorial Hospital. She is also an avid deer hunter and was born and raised in Oconto Falls.
5th Annual Golf Outing
Horny Buck Seed Company’s
5th Annual Golf Outing
To benefit The Freedom Outdoor Adventures
Saturday – August 20th, 2016
Red Maple Golf Course
501 Golf Course Road Suring, WI 54174
Four person teams
Open to both men & ladies or combination of both
Entry Fee
$75 per person
Golf (18 holes), Cart, Hole Events and dinner
Raffles to follow golfing event
Guest dinner $15 per person
9:30 am Registration
11 Shot gun start
Rain or Shine
2016 Food Plot Seminar
Get your ticket online by clicking here.
Soil Test Information
We get asked questions all the time about soil conditions and other elements that effect choice and growing of seed.
Here are some ideas for helpful links:
1. More info on food plot soil analysis:
2. ONline request soil test kit:
3. Email Chris Clark-AgSource Wildlife food plot contact (
Waiting for the perfect time to hunt prized buck
Waiting for the perfect time to hunt prized buck
Huntin’ For Fun
Click Here to read
Did you HEAR the live interview with Doug Kostreva of Horny Buck seed?
Did you HEAR the live interview with Doug Kostreva of Horny Buck seed?
Horny Buckseed is getting techy with its broadcasts.
Check out for the October 10 interview.